Are we too afraid to dream big?
Are we too arrogant to start small?
Are we too knowledgeable to really listen or learn?
Are we too self-centered to relinquish authorship or control?
Are we too cynical to trust people?
Are we too egotistical to admit error?
Are we too insecure to try really different things?
Are we too myopic to make history?
[Take from the slides presented at XLRI by Ingrid Srinath, CEO of CRY]
Action of the brain, whether conscious or unconscious. My blogs do not necessarily have a theme or a focus. They are here, because I felt like putting it here. They could be something which I am thinking about, something which I want to talk to someone about, something which I am working on or want to share. In short they are my feelings, opinions, work and good things I want to share.